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Becoming Google Certified Educators

Enrich Your Work with GCE Level 1 and 2 Certifications I share a great many professional development opportunities with my schools.  Sometimes these training sessions are in-house.  Other times, I am sharing opportunities from universities or organizations. In the past year, I shared an opportunity from Google Education with my teachers and principals.  Google offers…


The Realities of Being a Doctoral Student

Get ready to change your life Although I secretly wanted a doctorate for years, when I finished my master’s program, I was TIRED.  Just plain tired. Becoming a doctoral student?  No way.   I could not see beginning work on another degree, so I decided I was done with graduate work.   After a couple of years,…

Effective Presentations, Public Speaking, Delivering effective presentations

Four Strategies for Effective Presentations

  Presentation warriors, now that you’ve chosen a topic and created slides using one of the three ways I mentioned in my previous article,  Planning a Conference Presentation, you must use effective presentation strategies to give a high performance workshop or talk. Delivering a presentation can be scary, especially in front of other education professionals…