SORT function, spsreadsheet, education, educational administrator

Using the SORT Function in Spreadsheets: a Tutorial for Educational Administrators

When I first transitioned from the classroom to the central office, I did not know much about spreadsheets.  As a new testing coordinator, I quickly learned that I would be using spreadsheets often, and I needed to get on really friendly terms with them.  Fourteen years of central office life later and I can say…

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SAMR: Getting Started Guide for Central Office Administrators

Isn’t it nice to discover something that allows you to make sense of new information?  It is a great feeling, isn’t it?  Something (e.g., understanding) clicks in my brain and produces warm, fuzzy feelings (aka feelings of self-efficacy). That’s how I felt a few years ago when I first learned about SAMR.   As my…

5 Ways for Districts to Support Blended Learning

The past couple of years, we’ve been hearing the term ‘blended learning’ bandied about frequently.  What does this mean?  How do central office administrators fit into a Blended Learning model?  How does the district support blended learning models.   First A Quick Definition Like many ideas in education, the term does not have a hard…

Making Changes

When I was still in the classroom, I wanted to be the best teacher I could be.  I spent a lot of time reading about new strategies and new philosophies, developing units, lessons, and activities based on this research.   This morning a family member, who is also a teacher, shared on Facebook an excerpt…

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Personalized Education Means Good Core Instruction

I remember early in my career when the term ‘personalized education’ was being bandied around the teacher table at lunch.  Being new to the profession, I stayed quiet, hoping to learn what this might mean for me and my classroom.     Some colleagues discussed how personalized education meant that teachers would have to write…