How to prepare for hot yoga

How to prepare for hot yoga

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Career Exploration and Career Preparation

Supporting career exploration and preparation programs at the district level This is the third article in the series on Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation. Does your district have a balanced and comprehensive career exploration and career preparation programs for your middle school and high school students?   Let’s be real, though.  How many of you work…

Career Development Activities for students

Strategies for integrating Career Development Activities in PK-5 In my last article, I talked about a Careers Framework that provides Central Office administrators a way to organize our thinking and our work around Career Development.  What are the best career development activities for elementary students? Click here to download a PDF of the Curriculum Framework. Today,…

Eight Best Interview Questions to ask prospective candidates

Interviewing prospective candidates In education, as in other professions, one key to hiring the right person for a position is asking the best interview questions.  Are you using the same tired question list as you used ten years ago to hire the best people for your school district? I hope not.  But if so, I…